HomeTier ListBest 3v3 Comps for Patch 10.1 - WoW Dragonflight PvP Tier List

Best 3v3 Comps for Patch 10.1 – WoW Dragonflight PvP Tier List

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This guide was made in collaboration with multiple current Rank 1 Gladiators, but is designed to represent the entire arena ladder.
To help understand how these rankings work, we assume the following:
S tier comps are expected to have the highest winrate against equally skilled opponents.
A tier comps are expected to have positive winrates against equally skilled opponents.
B tier comps represent the “average” comp, and have a relatively equal distribution of winning and losing matchups
C tier comps are generally weak into the meta and are expected to lose against most higher tier comps
A visual representation can be found here.

Other important notes:
This list is an ongoing project and will be updated periodically
If you don’t see a comp listed, it MIGHT be weaker than C tier, but could also mean that it is too experimental to properly rank or simply an oversight.
For the most part, Resto Druid and Preservation Evoker can fit into any comp and do well, and “Preferred Healer(s)” represents what works best on average within a comp

S Tier 3v3 Comps

Comp nameDPS 1DPS 2Preferred Healer(s)
RMX Subtlety Rogue Frost Mage Disc Priest
RMXSubtlety Rogue Fire MageDisc Priest
RMX Assassination Rogue Fire Mage Disc Priest
LDXDestruction WarlockBalance Druid
MLX Frost MageDestruction Warlock
RLX Assassination Rogue OR Subtlety RogueDestruction Warlock

At the moment, both RMX and RLX seem to be the most consistent comps in the meta. Each one of these setups have proven to excel in ranked 3v3, especially at the highest level. The Frost/Destro variation of MLX seems to be performing exceptionally well and is one of the reasons that no melee cleaves exist in S tier.

A+ Tier 3v3 Comps

Comp nameDPS 1DPS 2Preferred Healer(s)
Turbo Enhancement Shaman Arms Warrior Mistweaver Monk
DH Destro Havoc Demon Hunter
Destruction Warlock Restoration Shaman or Preservation Evoker
DH Boomkin Havoc Demon Hunter Balance Druid Restoration Shaman or Preservation Evoker
Enhance Sub
Enhancement Shaman Subtlety Rogue Disc Priest
MLX (Demo) Frost Mage Demonology Warlock
Ele Destro Elemental ShamanDestruction Warlock
Ele Boomkin Elemental Shaman Balance Druid
Mage Boomkin Frost Mage Balance Druid

The A+ tier includes a few different Demon Hunter and Warlock setups. Both of these DPS continue to do well in meta, despite a few key nerfs in prior patches.

A Tier 3v3 Comps

Comp nameDPS 1DPS 2Preferred Healer(s)
Owlplay Shadow Priest Balance Druid Restoration Shaman
Shadowplay Shadow PriestDestruction Warlock Restoration Shaman
RMPal Subtlety Rogue Fire Mage Holy Paladin
FLS Feral DruidDestruction Warlock Restoration Shaman
RMX Outlaw Rogue Fire Mage Disc Priest
Thugcleave Survival Hunter Subtlety Rogue Disc Priest
Jungle Beast Mastery or Survival Hunter Feral Druid Disc Priest
Mage Boomkin Frost Mage Balance Druid

The A tier includes comps that perform above average but tend to struggle into Subtlety Rogues and other higher tier comps.

B Tier 3v3 Comps

Comp nameDPS 1DPS 2Preferred Healer(s)
RMX Arcane Subtlety Rogue Disc Priest
Dev DK (Frost) Frost Death Knight Devastation Evoker Disc Priest
Ret War Arms Warrior Retribution Paladin
LDX Affliction Warlock Balance Druid
WW Boomkin Windwalker Monk Balance Druid
WW Destro Windwalker MonkDestruction Warlock

The B tier includes many off-spec variations of A tier comps, including Arcane Mage and Affliction Warlock setups. Again, this tier is meant to represent the “average” comp and is neither too good or too bad to excel in the current meta. Many of these comps are being played actively at Rank 1 levels, despite noticeable weaknesses.

C Tier 3v3 Comps

Comp nameDPS 1DPS 2Preferred Healer(s)
WW DK Unholy Death Knight Windwalker Monk Mistweaver Monk
TSG Unholy Death Knight Fury Warrior Mistweaver Monk

C tier comps are generally underperforming and include some of the lower tier DPS (Unholy Death knight). While some people might find success with some of these setups, they are generally inconsistent into the majority of higher tier comps.

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