HomeClass GuideBest PvP Talents for Outlaw Rogue – Dragonflight 10.2.7 PvP Guide

Best PvP Talents for Outlaw Rogue – Dragonflight 10.2.7 PvP Guide

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Overview of the Best Talents for Outlaw Rogue in PvP in Dragonflight

In this article, we will go over the biggest change that came with Dragonflight – talent system. We will cover the best talents for Outlaw Rogue in PvP, including the Class tree, the Spec tree, as well as PvP talents themselves.

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Table of Contents

Outlaw Rogue Talents Overview

Since the talent system received a huge revamp going into Dragonflight, we will cover both the class and the spec tree. They both have some mandatory and some optional talents. Those will depend on the situation and the comp you are playing. The Core talents will be the ones you pick almost all the time either because they are that good on their own, or simply better than all other options.

Rogue Class Talents

Pretty much all of the talents we have in this build are mandatory. On our way down we pick up some of our most important utility and damage options, and don’t really have points to play with.

One important pick we have to make is between Elusiveness and Cheat Death. For most matchups, Elusiveness will be the standard pick since it provides an on-demand damage reduction. With that said, Cheat Death is a good alternative for less experienced rogues that are not as comfortable with manually using Feint to survive.

Outlaw Spec Talents

The core of your spec tree is also mostly set in stone. We start with Opportunity at the top, which causes Sinister Strike to occasionally attack another time and give us half-cost Pistol Shot. These will be important for the following series of talents to work properly.

We take Ambush as we can use Ambush periodically out of Stealth. This also includes Shadow Dance that we picked up in the class tree.

Outlaw Rogue PvP Talents

As far as PvP talents are concerned, we have some flexibility with the exception of Enduring Brawler. This talent just enables more interactions with Opportunity talents in the spec tree, making our rotation more fluid.

From here, the only other talent that could be considered mandatory is Smoke Bomb. It is one of the most iconic abilities that will be good in every single matchup.

Situationally, we would want to drop it in any match where we can get value out of Dismantle, which is usually against most melee teams.

For match-ups where you don’t need any extra utility you could play Take your Cut granting a haste bonus to your teammates. This is great for classes that scale heavily with haste such as Warlock.

If we wanted some more aggressive damage options, we could play Turn the Tables in any matchup where we will get stunned often. Or even Control is King for saving a global on Slice and Dice, giving us more fluidity in our rotation.

We could also go for Drink Up Me Hearties for a defensive pick to get additional utility.

In general, Enduring Brawler is the only hard-locked talent with Smoke Bomb being a soft lock. The third slot is somewhat flexible, so try out some different options and see what you prefer.

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