HomeClass GuideBest Talents for Balance Druid 10.2.6 - Dragonflight PvP Guide

Best Talents for Balance Druid 10.2.6 – Dragonflight PvP Guide

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Overview of the Best Talents for Balance Druid in PvP in Dragonflight

In this article, we will go over the biggest change that came with Dragonflight – talent system. We will cover the best talents for Balance Druid in PvP, including the Class tree, the Spec tree, as well as PvP talents themselves.

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Table of Contents

Balance Druid Talents Overview

Since the talent system received a huge revamp going into Dragonflight, we will cover both the class and the spec tree. They both have some mandatory and some optional talents. Those will depend on the situation and the comp you are playing. The Core talents will be the ones you pick almost all the time either because they are that good on their own, or simply better than all other options.

Druid Class Talents


One of the strongest talents on our tree is Frenzied Regeneration. This is our shortest cooldown heal, which is a great defensive pick to have in all situations.

We definitely want to get Moonkin Form. This is the obvious pick, and we always have to make sure we are in this form when doing damage.

Going down the tree, we will pick up Wild Charge, which is an essential part of our kiting kit, and Cyclone – our signature crowd control. These abilities are incredibly versatile, and are worthy additions to the core of the build.

Then we get Sunfire, which is a secondary DoT. This is a good addition to our pressure.

Right next to it we have our knockback in Typhoon. This ability has a lot of uses, especially on Z-axis maps.

Mighty Bash is usually the default pick. Incap roar sees less value due to the potential of Mighty Bash and Incap Roar tends to break very fast since it does not remove DoTs.

Mass Entanglement is the default over Ursol’s Vortex. Mass Entanglement will allow you to Root > Beam healers. It is also a good choice against melee cleaves for additional CC, keeping them off you with no DR and can be strong into Demonology Warlock and Beast Mastery Hunter to keep their pets off.

Finally, we are getting Renewal as one of our largest defensives. It has a 1.5-minute cooldown heal usable in all shapeshift forms.

We do have a few flexible points on the tree. We could put 2 points into Well-Honed Instincts, 1 point into Improved Sunfire for the additional quality of life of dotting multiple targets, and 1 point into Innervate to help out our healer. These are the picks we have in our default build.

You can drop 1 point from Well-Honed Instincts for Heart of the Wild if you are struggling to survive as this adds an additional charge of frenzy and can be paired with Renewal. This can also help your teammates survive as Heart of the Wild increases your healing and reduces the mana cost.

However, if you are facing a composition where you need to remove curses, you will have to make a few adjustments. You would remove Nature’s Vigil, 1 point in Well-Honed Instincts, and Heart of the Wild. You will take out these points and instead put them into Rejuvenation, Swiftmend and Remove Corruption. This is great into any Warlock, Shamans, and when fighting Affliction Warlocks you should always decurse off cooldown especially when at 10 stacks.

Balance Spec Talents

Our spec tree is a lot less flexible. We start off by taking Shooting Stars. It generates Astral Power whenever your DoTs hit a target and deals a decent amount of damage over the course of the game. This pairs nicely with the season 4-set bonus. It is important to make sure all targets have DoTs on them before starting a go.

Next up, we get Solstice. This makes sure Shooting Stars fall more often every time you enter an Eclipse.

You have the option of either Stellar Innervation or Soul of the Forest. Both increase your astral power generation but Stellar Innervation is much more passive.

In the middle, we are obviously looking to get Solar Beam followed by our biggest offensive Celestial Alignment and Incarnation: Chosen of Elune.

On the right side of the tree, we pick up Rattle the Stars for more single target damage. This will increase the effectiveness of our burst, while also reducing its cost.

Balance Druid PvP Talents

When it comes to PvP talents, they are pretty locked in. We have two options that would be good in most situations and one slot that is a little more flexible.

We start off by getting Moonkin Aura, which you want to have at all times. This amounts to 12% spell Crit Chance that is purgeable stack by stack. It acts as a good dispel protection, while also being a solid damage buff for your team.

Our next pick is Owlkin Adept. This has been nerfed since Shadowlands as your Cyclone is no longer as fast, but it is still a very strong pick to make it easier to land that very important CC during the game.

The third pick is situational.

First, we have High Winds, which reduces damage and healing on the target by 30% depending on the role of the player that you Cyclone. This is a great option for double caster or caster melee.

You can swap High Winds out for Thorns if you are facing a comp that doesn’t have a lot of offensive dispel and has two melee. This will help you alleviate some of that melee pressure, giving you a bit more freedom during the game.

Another great pick is Star Burst. It is great on smaller maps, such as when playing on the bridge on Blade’s Edge or maybe on Dalaran Sewers. This is because the Stars will all fall on the same platform, making them very easy for you to pick up. The longer the game – the more value you will see for this talent.

Dying Stars is a great option into Holy Paladins due to their AoE dispel talent.

Lastly, you could play Faerie Swarm as it is a 30-second cooldown Disarm. This is a great option into RMP to pre-disarm the rogue to peel the go. But you should be aware that this effect is dispellable.

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