HomeClass GuideBest PvP Talents for Fury Warrior – Dragonflight 10.2.7 PvP Guide

Best PvP Talents for Fury Warrior – Dragonflight 10.2.7 PvP Guide

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Overview of the Best Talents for Fury Warrior in PvP in Dragonflight 10.2.7

To make it easier to navigate, we’ve divided the guide into the corresponding sections, covering everything from race and talents to gear and macros. These will give you a good idea about what to expect from Fury Warrior in PvP in Dragonflight, its strengths and weaknesses, and how to get your character ready to conquer the arena. In this section, we will cover the most important change that came with Dragonflight – talents. We will go over the class and spec trees, as well as the best PvP talents for Fury Warrior in Dragonflight.

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Table of Contents

Fury Warrior Talents Overview

Since the talent system received a lot of changes in Dragonflight, we have a lot to talk about. Some talents are going to be almost mandatory, making up the core of the spec. There are some optional talents that will depend on who you’re playing with or against, as well as your personal preferences. Fury Warriors are in a position where they have two builds to choose from, which revolve around Raging Blow and Bloodthirst respectively. Both have their strengths and weaknesses.

Warrior Class Talents

You start off by picking many of the core Warrior talents that you know and love. Impending Victory is a powerful self-healing ability on a very short cooldown. The healing has been nerfed from 40% to 30%, but it is still incredibly strong.

Intimidating Shout is an excellent CC ability that can be used in a number of ways depending on who you’re facing.

Intervene is another essential, which is excellent for peeling physical damage, CC and interrupts and assisting your teammates.

Leeching Strikes and Furious Blows have become mandatory. These give you a bit of extra self-healing and pressure.

Double Time is excellent for increased mobility. As a melee, you can never have too many gap closers.

Storm Bolt is a stun on a short cooldown, which you can use to create setups or even defensively to peel.

Moving on, we will be going for Avatar and Thunderous Roar.

Avatar bolsters your offensive cooldowns. Thunderous Roar is preferred over Spear of Bastion due to the damage being less obvious, the shorter cooldown and for the synergy with Bloodborne, however Uproar is not taken in order to keep all offensive cooldowns sync’d at 90 seconds.

The only truly situational talent you have is the ability to play with Wrecking Throw, which we would recommend against any class with big shields, such as Mistweaver Monks, Warlocks, and even Discipline Priests.

Fury Spec Talents

The tree is fairly set in stone and there is not many flexible points. The only swap you would consider doing is dropping Annihilator and Storm of Swords for Onslaught and Tenderize into matches where you have lower uptime.

Fury Warrior PvP Talents

Slaughterhouse should be part of your default loadout. The only time you could play without Slaughterhouse is when you already have a healing reduction effect on your team.

Bloodrage is then strong against most teams as it frees you from all root and snare effects on an absurdly low cooldown, which makes certain classes and specs much easier to play against. This will be used in most match-ups.

Disarm will be situational. It is strong against melee and Hunter specs, with the exception of Windwalker Monks and Feral Druids, and can be taken over Slaughterhouse or Bloodrage depending on the matchup. Certain specs require you to have Disarm to alleviate some of their pressure or negate their cooldowns.

Enduring Rage is a great option into CC heavy comps such as Mage Lock. Every time you are CCd you have a chance to proc Recklessness.

The last option worth mentioning is Battle Trance. It gives you self-healing throughout the game in the form of a HoT. It can be nice when dealing with passive pressure, where you need every bit of healing to increase your survivability, but is generally not picked as one of your three PvP talents.

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