HomeClass GuideBest PvP Talents for Fire Mage - Dragonflight 10.2.6 PvP Guide

Best PvP Talents for Fire Mage – Dragonflight 10.2.6 PvP Guide

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Overview of the Best Talents for Fire Mage in PvP in Dragonflight 10.2.6

In this article, we will go over the biggest change that came with Dragonflight – talent system. We will cover the best talents for Fire Mage in PvP, including the Class tree, the Spec tree, as well as PvP talents themselves.

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Fire Mage Talents Overview

Since the talent system received a huge revamp going into Dragonflight, we will cover both the class and the spec tree. They both have some mandatory and some optional talents.

Mage Class Talents

The core of our class tree is pretty straight-forward, but there are a few decisions we have to make when making the build.

Of course we want some of our signature utility in Ring of Frost, Ice Nova and Blast Wave. These are just great picks no matter what and can be used in a variety of ways.

Shimmer is then recommended as it allows you to blink and Dragon’s Breath the healer right after without being on GCD, making it incredibly valuable. You can play Ice Floes over Shimmer in comps that win in stuns such as RMP or Thug Cleave. If you choose to play Shimmer into RMP or Thug you should not play Glass Cannon as a PvP talent.

We take Time Anomaly, which is huge offensive talent. This path down the middle gives us the best of both worlds.

On the right side, we definitely want to take Dragon’s Breath. This will make it easier for us to CC healers if we want to. But even outside of that, this is just a fantastic peel in general.

We then go for Frigid Winds, increasing the effects of our snares. This is then followed by Ice Ward into Shifting Power. This is the exact same Shifting Power that you had in Shadowlands, but without a conduit, making it only a 12-second reduction. It applies to all of your abilities, including PvP talents, so it affects Ring of Fire as well. It is very strong for getting your CC and Combustion back faster.

Fire Spec Talents

As our build is very reliant on making the most out of Combustion, we will pick up all the talents that empower it. Some of the notable picks include 1 point in Fevered Incantation as it makes it stronger, Kindling for cooldown reduction and Improved Combustion for increased duration.

Cauterize is one of our biggest defensives, adding to Ice Block and Greater Invisibility, which is always a welcome addition.

Then we want to get Alexstrasza’s Fury, which will make our Phoenix Flames always crit. This is similar to the Legion playstyle and just makes the spec feel a lot more fluid.

Fire Mage PvP Talents

As for PvP talents, you should have Ring of Fire in the majority of games. This is just an all-around good addition to your damage, especially considering the playstyle that the spec is going for.

Glass Cannon was redesigned in 10.1 and is now a standard pick. This pairs with our Fireball based talents at the cost of reduced max hp. This is a default pick as the damage gain is worth the tradeoff.

Flamecannon pairs nicely with Glass Cannon as it adds another % damage modifier while also increasing the range of your spells. The % hp gain from Flamecannon could help to offset the trade off for taking Glass Cannon periodically throughout the game.

Your other picks will be situational.

Master Shepherd is a great option for extra stats, prevent healing when sheeping enemies, and could be situationally good with a Subtlety Rogue or Balance Druid.

Pyrokinesis can be played over Glass Cannon when you expect to be a kill target in a CC heavy comp like RMP or Thug Cleave.

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