HomeClass GuideDemonology Warlock PvP Guide - Dragonflight 10.2.6 PvP Guide

Demonology Warlock PvP Guide – Dragonflight 10.2.6 PvP Guide

Welcome to Skill Capped’s Demonology Warlock PvP Guide for Dragonflight 10.2.6

To make it easier to navigate, we’ve divided the guide into the corresponding sections, covering everything from race and talents to gear and macros. These will give you a good idea about what to expect from Demonology Warlock in PvP in Dragonflight, its strengths and weaknesses, and how to get your character ready to conquer the arena.

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Table of Contents

In this section, we will cover the biggest changes to the design of Demonology Warlock in Dragonflight and some of their playstyle implications. Obviously, the main driving force for all adjustments this expansion comes from talents, and we will dive deeper into them a bit later. For now, let’s focus on the bigger picture.

What’s New for Demonology Warlock in Dragonflight?

Overall, Demonology has access to a very similar toolkit as the one it had in Shadowlands. Most of its core gameplay remains the same. The main differences going into Dragonflight are in the form of some welcome new additions coupled with the flexibility in the new talent system. It now opens up the opportunity to take the best parts of a lot of previous builds and mix and match them.

A great new addition is Soulburn. This new capstone talent in the Warlock tree allows you to use shards for utility purposes, which includes improving your Demonic Circle by attaching a freedom effect and movement speed increase; improving your Demonic Gateway to make it instant, which solves the issue of ever getting stopped on your summon at the start of arena; and you can even use it with Healthstone to increase the healing and increase your maximum health.

Demonology Warlock Playstyle in Dragonflight

In general, if you enjoyed Demo Lock in Shadowlands, you will have a good time in Dragonflight, as the playstyle remains inherently the same. Depending on your build of choice, you can fill pretty much any role.

You could go for very high sustained damage with a build entirely focused around damage coming from Dreadstalkers, Imps and your Felguard.

There are a lot of options when it comes to damage. And if what you enjoyed from Demo was annoying your opponents, you can still expect a heavy emphasis on CC and disruption. That is due to familiar curses like Curse of Tongues, Curse of Weakness and Curse of Exhaustion being available through talents alongside the option to pick up Amplify Curse on top of it.

Not to mention, you still have access to Fear, Mortal Coil, Axe Toss, Spell Lock, Shadowfury and even Grimoire: Felguard stun. So if just summoning a horde of nameplates on your opponent’s screen wasn’t enough annoyance, you definitely got the CC and disruption to still make their life hell.